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(F 11) Is it permissible for a wife to engage in masturbation because her husband only has rare sexual intercourse with her, and they are in… This is a matter of a necessitated reality that is common between genders, especially in…
(F5) Is it permissible for me to pray Asr before leaving the house with the intention of performing it in advance because when I return, it… This issue can be referred to two matters: Firstly, the permissibility of combining prayers in…
(F 20) If the Imam combines the Maghrib and Isha prayers, should an individual pray Witr immediately after the prayer or wait until the time… There is a difference of opinion among the schools of thought regarding the time for…
(F 142) If someone leads the Asr prayer, and in the first unit (rak’ah) of the prayer, they began reciting Al-Fatihah audibly, then… Firstly: The default principle in prayer is to follow the practice of the Prophet Muhammad,…
(F 34) What is the ruling of the Islamic law on a husband investigates his wife’s phone or a wife investigates her husband’s phone without permission? Firstly, the default principle established by the Islamic law is the prohibition of spying for…
(F 75) Can you explain the difference between the Islamic concept of “fitrah,” the word “sincerity,” the religion of… Firstly: The words in question were mentioned in a hadith narrated by Abdullah ibn Abza…
(F 133) Is it permissible to pray with an intention different from that of the imam in obligatory (fard) and voluntary (nafl) prayers? For… Firstly, the basis in this matter is several hadiths that appear to be contradictory, which…
(F 48) My question is about vanilla extract found in ice cream and cake products. What is the ruling on it according to Islamic law? Is it… Firstly, vanilla is a plant from climbing plants that have small seeds used in a…
(F 53) Is it permissible for a person to enter the bathroom with a Quran in their pocket or bag, especially since we may encounter this… Firstly, the Quran is the word of Allah and it is obligatory to respect and…
(F 87) What is your opinion on digital currencies? As far as I know, Bitcoin, for example, does not have the characteristics of traditional… The topic requires a lengthy explanation, but I will try to summarize it: - Is…
(F 365) What are the rulings on shortening prayers (Qaṣr) and what are its conditions?
(F 364) I intend to take an engineering exam that will last for six hours and will start about half an hour before the Ẓuhr prayer. Is it permissible to perform the Ẓuhr prayer early? And if it is permissible to perform Ẓuhr early, is it also permissible to combine it with the ῾Aṣr prayer since the exam will last until after ῾Aṣr?
(F 363) Is it permissible to trade without using leverage provided by a company? For example, can I trade with a small amount of my own capital, say $200? Or is trading on MetaTrader 5 entirely prohibited?
(F 362) Is it permissible for a traveler who intends to stay for a month in the destination country to combine and shorten prayers for the first three days, the first 15 days, or for how many days?
(F 361) Is trading in the currency market known as the Forex market permissible (ḥalāl) or forbidden (ḥarām)? This market involves buying and selling global currencies, commodities, or metals online through a broker who acts as an intermediary between the trader and global banks. Examples include trading dollars for pounds, dollars for gold, or dollars for oil, among others. This market also relies on analysis and news to predict the movement of currencies, whether upward or downward, and trades are executed based on these predictions, such as using the MetaTrader application.